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New Zealand filming rebates

The New Zealand Government offers a series of incentives for both domestic and international film and television productions. The New Zealand Film Commission administers the rebates listed below on behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). If you have any questions about specific projects or these incentives, please contact For more information, visit the New Zealand Film Commission website.     

New Zealand filming rebates

The New Zealand Government offers a series of incentives for both domestic and international film and television productions. 

The New Zealand Film Commission administers the rebates listed below on behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). If you have any questions about specific projects or these incentives, please contact

For more information, visit the New Zealand Film Commission website.

Post, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV) Rebate

For international productions (not shooting in New Zealand), anything that Wētā Workshop designs and/or physically builds and which goes through the VFX pipeline may be eligible for the Post, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV) Rebate. 

The threshold to meet the incentive is $250,000 NZD, which can be bundled across both projects and other New Zealand vendors.

Get in touch with us at for more information about how this may apply to your project. 

New Zealand Screen Production Rebate for International Productions

The New Zealand Screen Production Rebate (NZSPR) for International Productions aims to encourage large-budget productions to film in New Zealand. The purpose of the NZSPR for international productions is to provide a financial incentive for the production of foreign large-budget films, television and other format productions in New Zealand.  

International productions may access a cash rebate of 20% of QNZPE. A smaller number of productions may be able to access a 5% Uplift if they can demonstrate significant economic benefits to New Zealand. 

Click here for more information.

New Zealand Screen Production Rebate for New Zealand Productions

The New Zealand Screen Production Rebate (NZSPR) for New Zealand Productions aims to support the domestic film industry. Eligible productions can access a 40% cash rebate on QNZPE. 

Click here for more information.

Post, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV) Rebate

For international productions (not shooting in New Zealand), anything that Wētā Workshop designs and/or physically builds and which goes through the VFX pipeline may be eligible for the Post, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV) Rebate. 

The threshold to meet the incentive is $250,000 NZD, which can be bundled across both projects and other New Zealand vendors.

Get in touch with us at for more information about how this may apply to your project.

New Zealand Screen Production Rebate for International Productions

The New Zealand Screen Production Rebate (NZSPR) for International Productions aims to encourage large-budget productions to film in New Zealand. The purpose of the NZSPR for international productions is to provide a financial incentive for the production of foreign large-budget films, television and other format productions in New Zealand.  

International productions may access a cash rebate of 20% of QNZPE. A smaller number of productions may be able to access a 5% Uplift if they can demonstrate significant economic benefits to New Zealand. 

Click here for more information.

New Zealand Screen Production Rebate for New Zealand Productions

The New Zealand Screen Production Rebate (NZSPR) for New Zealand Productions aims to support the domestic film industry. Eligible productions can access a 40% cash rebate on QNZPE. 

Click here for more information.

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